Fire Alarm Systems
New Build Systems
For most commercial buildings the provision of the following items is a requirement under legislation (or in the case of suppression systems, insurance requirement or a desire to protect business assets).
Lexicon Fire Systems can offer turn key solutions to these requirements. These will include design, supply and installation of only approved fire equipment.
Additionally, alterations and extensions to existing systems can also be carried out.
Fire alarm systems
EVCS (Emergency Voice Communication System)
Emergency lighting
Fire suppression systems

Our design team will provide a BS 5839-compliant fire alarm and detection system to your requirements – anything from a complex integrated system with Voice Alarm to a simple fire detection system. Our solutions incorporate the most advanced and most trusted products available.
Fire suppression systems are used to extinguish or prevent the spread of fire in buildings, generally for specific high-risk areas. Suppression systems use dry chemicals, gaseous mediums and wet agents to suppress fires. These systems along with handheld firefighting equipment can be provided by Lexicon Fire Systems.
Fire suppression systems are used to extinguish, control, or in some cases, entirely prevent fires from spreading or occurring. Suppression systems have an incredibly large variety of applications, and as such, there are many different types of suppression systems for different applications.
Lexicon Fire Systems can assist clients in the choice of delivery system and the medium depending on a number of factors and subsequently design and install the system to suit.
A disabled refuge is a safe area in which mobility-impaired people, who cannot use the standard emergency exits, can safely shelter in the event of a fire or in other life-threatening circumstances. Current building regulations require all new commercial properties with more than one storey to provide a disabled refuge area with two-way communications.
Refuge Alarms provide two-way communication between the occupants of the disabled refuge and a station at the front entrance of the building. This is to permit the emergency services to stay in constant contact and organise a safe evacuation.
Lexicon Fire Systems can design and install the EVCS alongside the fire alarm and detection system saving on installation cost.